In this page you will find links to various data (Subway data now available). This page is always more or less under construction, all the links are not guaranteed to work...
Data (not updated)
General links (socio-economical data)
Census Bureau (US data mostly)
Eurostat (European countries)
Population and surface area of world countries: Demographic Yearbook
Population statistics for the world's biggest cities and urban agglomerations (more than 1M inhabitants): Citypopulation
Transportation data (US): Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Mobility and transport in Switzerland
Open data initiatives
(Excellent) UK website
Urban data
GMP per capita data for different cities across the world: Brookings Global Metromonitor website
Surface area and population data for urbanized area in the world: demographia
ESPON, the European observation network for territorial development and cohesion, has a database portal with harmonized geographical data
Urban data at the OECD here
Various indicators UN-Habitat
Total distance driven, lane miles, daily commuting vehicle-miles (441 urban areas in the US): Federal Highway Administration
Some of the biggest & richest cities of the world have their own open data portal: New York (and many other US cities), London, Paris, etc.
(Excellent) UK website
Subway and Railway data
The Railisa database is available on the UICs website
Data used for our paper "Scaling in transportation networks" can be found here for the subway and here for the train
(you can use freely these datasets but please refer to the corresponding paper for citation).
(Some) Parisian metro data, here
World subways: The files contain the name and location of stations and the adjacency matrix of the network, in the Pajek format. These datasets correspond to the state in 2009 of the following networks: Barcelona, Beijing, Berlin, Chicago, Hong Kong, London, Madrid, Mexico, Moscow, New York, Osaka, Paris, Seoul, Shanghai, Tokyo. You can contact me for these datasets, and you can refer to our paper 'A long time limit for world subway networks' for citation.
The multilayer temporal network of public transport in Great Britain we used for "Anatomy and efficiency of urban multimodal mobility" is publicly available on Scientific Data, 2: 140056 (2015)
Networks and maps
Natural Earth, free vector and raster map data at 1:10m, 1:50m and 1:110m scales
GADM, a spatial database of the location of the world's administrative areas (or administrative boundaries) for use in GIS and similar software
Codes for the chess paper (Fragility of chess positions)
Fragility for a single game (code here)
Fragility for multiple game, average and fitting
Codes for the "Surfacic networks" paper (codes here)
Visualization code for the RGG parabolic network
BC calculation and visualization on maps
BC calculation for the parabolic model
Arduousness calculation